Thursday, May 7, 2009


a. Postmodern art is art that isn't finished until the audience has looked at it. It is a sense of completion when someone else judges it. It came to be when modern art was around. It isn't something people have to look at and like, it just the simple fact that looking at it completes it. It has alot to do with women too.
b. Feminism is postmodern because it's very graphic. It shows alot of vigina, and minstrual stuff that women deal with all the time. Feminism art and postmodern are two in the same. they may not be the best works of art, nore the prettiest. but ther get the point across.
c. Cindy Shermans artwork really captured my eye. she really portrays the use of women in her work and how poeple see them. which is a big notice of postmodernism.. Her art is suttle, yet shocking. and that really shows the postmodern part.
d. Dana Hargrove really related to my work, because it's about our earth and how we are ruining it.

Saturday, March 28, 2009


a.) Expressionism is when an artist distorts reality for emotion, and effects on that emotion. It's a subjective art form. The artist wants people to feel the emotion, almost looking at something you see in your dreams or something similar to that. Expressionism, is why we make art, and why people look at art. Cognitivism contributes more to knowledge, and knowing things. Artist point this out in their work, providing knowledge in their art that shows unique things about our world and our knowledge of that.

b.) Art is something that an artist puts on a canvas or in a book that they themselves have felt or been through, making the audience feel these feelings as well. It's not always purposely done, but it happens, and that's why art is art, in Tolstoy.

c.) In Collingwood's definition of art, the viewer, collaborates with the artist by being an active participant in creation. The viewer must imaginatively reconstruct the artist's emotive and imaginative expression.

d.) Kiki Smiths art doesn't really have a meaning to her past or her life experiences. In most of her work she uses the image of the human body. She uses the human body forms and and organs, that most the time are awkward to look, to portray the existence of the human body. Louise Bourgeois creates art from her memory, and life experiences. Things that she has been through in her own life. Some of her work is from her relationship with her parents, and things from her childhood dealing with bad things, or lost things. But she remembers everything, so she puts it into her work.

e.) I choose Jennifer Caviola, because her art shows emotion and feelings on how she must feel about something. It's more expressive than anything i will make, but it resembles most to my work, because my work has a lot to do with my feelings and how i felt when i was in the present time being.

Thursday, March 26, 2009


An artist has a certain way of building a piece of art. The way it is formed and how much an artist puts into their work, trying to get the audience to think about it. It's placement is an important thing too look at also. To me, this is formalism. It's How the artist puts their piece together.
Kandinsky portrays my definition of formalism in my eyes. His work builds on itself, it tells a story of something happening, not sure what the meaning behind it all is, but it's there. I would love to know what he was thinking, what inspired him to paint this piece of art. His work has so many things going on in a single piece.
I think that Kandinsky's art fits into formalism because his artwork is put into a certain form, it makes it appealing, visually and physically to the audience. It's form is good and and that's what makes it fit into this category.
Robert Malinowski is the artist i choose, his work has allot to do with feelings and relationships. A lot of my work including this project has to do with these same things.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


a.) Realistic art is art that can be understood in my eyes. But in all honesty when someone asks me what it is I think of actual realistic art, like photo realistic, but I know that's not what it is... To me realistic art is art you can understand. Something that makes since in your eyes, or something you feel you can relate to. It doesn't' have to be like a photograph, it just has to make since.

b.) Plato defines good art to be art that is Real to the eye. He believes that it should be actual reality, like taking a photo. Art should consist of real figures, places, and other things. But it doesn't necessarily have to exist in reality, just has to look realistic.

c.) I think that in Plato's beliefs, Koon's artwork wouldn't qualify as realistic art, nor good art at that. I think that Plato would not like Koon's art, and believe that he should find a different job, but that's just assuming what i think he think about koon's work.

d.) Aristotle would define good art as Plato would, after all Plato was his teacher. But Aristotle thought a little harder and further than Plato did about art, there's a point were art can be distorted and still be good art in Aristotle's mind, but not in Plato's mind. Aristotle says "art has imitation of the ideal" theory that Plato might have developed but never did.

e.)I don't believe obscene art is a contradiction of terms, art can be obscene, but yet it's still art. I think that certain pieces of art look to be obscene, but they aren't. Some people think that a woman from the 1800's naked would be obscene, but it's not, yet, People have there own morals, and can believe what they want, but they need to know, no matter what they think it's art, and it always will be art. to the art world anyway.

f.)I do not think that vivid sexual images are worse than vivid images of violence, sickness, or poverty. I believe that they are both the same. although i think that violence is actually worse than sex. Sex is a beautiful thing, violence on the other hand is not a beautiful thing, it's a horrible thing, but a lot of people look to it for an answer or something along the lines. people know they can't get away with most violence so it's more intriguing to see in art or movies. But people have sex all the time, so it's nothing new, but they believe it should be behind closed doors.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Beauty & Repusion



An example of good art to me would be something structured, or planned out. If someone just throughs a peice of art work together, without planning it, i don't find that very good art work. I believe all art is good in it's own way, as long as it's planned out and made. An example of this "good art work" would be a peice from Leonardo Da Vince, if you look him up on google images, you can see his work. And, I honestly wouldn't be able to site "bad" art cuz to me bad art unexplanable.
Honorific art, in my own words, i would define as art that is saying somehting to the nation or certain someone maybe, it should pop out to you. You should accept it with honor.
I honestly don't have a clue how to define classificatory definition of art, in my own words.
I don't believe im uncomfortable with discussing anything dealing with aesthetics of art. Im some what open for the discussion, just shy.
I would compare my art that i will make to wendy goldberg, she's got a dark side to her work, and im thinking that mine will too.