Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Beauty & Repusion



An example of good art to me would be something structured, or planned out. If someone just throughs a peice of art work together, without planning it, i don't find that very good art work. I believe all art is good in it's own way, as long as it's planned out and made. An example of this "good art work" would be a peice from Leonardo Da Vince, if you look him up on google images, you can see his work. And, I honestly wouldn't be able to site "bad" art cuz to me bad art unexplanable.
Honorific art, in my own words, i would define as art that is saying somehting to the nation or certain someone maybe, it should pop out to you. You should accept it with honor.
I honestly don't have a clue how to define classificatory definition of art, in my own words.
I don't believe im uncomfortable with discussing anything dealing with aesthetics of art. Im some what open for the discussion, just shy.
I would compare my art that i will make to wendy goldberg, she's got a dark side to her work, and im thinking that mine will too.

1 comment:

  1. 1. ok response.
    2.,3., right more---try to give an answer to each question.
    4. good
    5 write more.
